enelMon-Sat : 10:00 - 21:00 | Sun : 12:00 - 20:00

Wooden game/Double Tangram


A design puzzle family game for 2 players or 2 teams.

There are 2 sets of a 7 pieces Tangram and cards with designs. Draw a card, and whoever finishes the design first is the winner.
Instructions in English and Greek are included.

AGE : 6 – 108
The game contains 2 sets of a 7 pieces Tangram with 64 cards of designs in a wooden box.

EAN: N/A SKU: TG 3137 Category:
Additional information

A design puzzle family game for 2 players or 2 teams.

There are 2 sets of a 7 pieces Tangram and cards with designs. Draw a card, and whoever finishes the design first is the winner.
Instructions in English and Greek are included.

AGE : 6 – 108
The game contains 2 sets of a 7 pieces Tangram with 64 cards of designs in a wooden box.

Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 19.2 × 12.5 × 4 cm

Olive Tree Wood