enelMon-Sat : 10:00 - 21:00 | Sun : 12:00 - 20:00

Wooden game/Solitaire L


The game set up is that pieces fill every hole except the middle hole.
The objective is to remove every piece except one, with the final piece ending up in the centre hole.
Each turn, the player captures a piece by jumping over that piece orthogonally (not diagonally) from one adjacent point to the vacant adjacent point on the other side.
Instructions in English and Greek are included as well as the solution.

Difficulty : ****
The game contains 33 wooden pawns in a wooden box.

EAN: N/A SKU: TG 4112 Category:
Additional information

The game set up is that pieces fill every hole except the middle hole.
The objective is to remove every piece except one, with the final piece ending up in the centre hole.
Each turn, the player captures a piece by jumping over that piece orthogonally (not diagonally) from one adjacent point to the vacant adjacent point on the other side.
Instructions in English and Greek are included as well as the solution.

Difficulty : ****
The game contains 33 wooden pawns in a wooden box.

Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 13.8 × 13.8 × 3 cm

Olive Tree Wood